On Binding and the Rule of Three

Regarding “binding” the Troglodyte-in-Chief:

I’m not saying this is or isn’t a good idea, but I understand both sides and feel like I need to chime in as a – well, I don’t want to say “Devil’s Advocate”, because that’s the problem.

But forget who we’re talking about for a minute, I have a really hard time seeing his image or reading his name, it’s a visceral, gut reaction.

Just for a moment think about the binding itself. Most Wiccans and Lightworkers have the Rule of Three (or Ten) ingrained in them very deeply, so that they have the knee-jerk reaction of ‘no that’s BAD!’, and ‘just send light to the situation’. I’m not saying that’s wrong, I’m saying LOOK DEEPER.

I know that some believe that reflecting bad intentions back at the sender is bad for your own karma, that one should simply protect yourself and ground ill will, because it’s not up to you what happens to the sender. And that’s not wrong, if it’s right for them.

For myself, I reflect. If they sent it, they should expect it back. It’s *not* up to me, I didn’t make them send me shit. But as for the Rule of Three? I don’t know. In a funny way, I’m more of a ‘do unto others’ kinda Witch. I’m not into dispensing justice, but maybe a little just desserts.

And isn’t all that Rule of Three (or whatever number) just another kind of dogma? I know it’s trying to protect from unhappy consequences of unconsidered actions, but blind obedience and reflex reactions aren’t helping the personal evolution of the protected.

And if you did want to bind someone heinous from doing something horrible, or even curse them, isn’t that their karma anyway? Or is it worse to do nothing when you could have done something? It kinda comes back to that question, if you could go back in time and kill (whoever) and potentially save millions of lives, would you? Is it even up to you? If you had the power, would you feel a responsibility? Who gave you the omniscience to understand Karma?

But other Pagans and non-Wiccan Witches have a different take. Karma isn’t what most people think it is, a simple tit-for-tat, wherein if you do something ‘bad’ it comes right back at you. Karma is more personal than that, it’s a set of lessons written into your own story that you need to learn. An unlearned lesson is “bad” karma and you have to redo the lesson. A lesson learned is “good” karma and you can move in to the next, even if it’s an unpleasant lesson.

The “Devil” that most Wiccan’s and Pagans (that I know) don’t believe in anyway, is just being replaced by “Karma”, and responsibility for actions good and bad are placed firmly outside of the self. If it’s the “Devil” or Karma, or whatever, then you can pass off responsibility to an outside and uncontrollable force and never have to deal with your own shit!

“As goes personal responsibility, so goes personal freedom.” – Fireheart

Personal responsibility and personal power are not just related or entwined, they are different facets of the SAME THING.

This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine, people who get into “alternative” religion (Wicca, Witchcraft, paganism in general) looking for a more powerful “god”.

Paganism isn’t about the power of the Gods and Goddesses, it’s about finding and activating the power in YOU. It’s not about trading one god for another, it’s about finding the God/Goddess INSIDE you!

It’s not somebody give me a spell, or give me a symbol or somebody heal me, it’s SELF EMPOWERMENT.

When learning, it’s not learning a “thing”, it’s learning HOW to do a thing.

When people leave one religion for a (pagan) one, the problem is that they have been programmed to learn/act in a certain way. They’re just trading one set of dogma for another. The thing is to learn HOW, not WHAT.

I am absolutely not advocating that one should do whatever they want because it’s their karma, there are certainly things that one should not do in civilized society. Sure, you have free will, but you don’t have freedom from consequences. I’m just saying, don’t swallow whole everything you’re fed. Know what you think, and why.

And I’m not saying the Rule of Three is wrong, not by any stretch, I’m just saying that if you are going to believe something that deeply, know why you believe it. Question everything, especially your own thoughts.


X’s and O’s to 3MoonGoddess for the read

So hey, if it strikes you, I mean only if you want to, hit up my webbie, maybe get a reading: The Essence of Spirit

“Intuitive” Tarot

I’ve been sitting on this topic for a while, I just know I’m going to get people taking my opinions seriously, as a personal attack. Cut it out! I don’t know you and you don’t know me. I can only speak from my own experience, good or bad. And as always, your mileage may vary.

Why I hate the word “intuitive” and avoid it like the plague.

It’s a visceral reaction. I’ve seen too many people use it as a cop out of learning Tarot, as an excuse not to do the work.

Bonus to the people teaching “intuitive” Tarot. Call it something else, anything else, but DON’T call it “reading Tarot”, because it’s not. It’s making shit up as ya go along and pulling it out ya ass for a little money, and churning out “readers” who know nothing. Yeah, I knew that chick. Couple of them, actually.

Joiner. Be unique!

And of course everyone’s using it as a keyword, buzzword, as a hashtag.

It really gives me the heebie-jeebies.

So you’re a great “intuitive” reader you say. Go you. Use your imagination and some of that intuition to find a better way, a personal and unique way, to identify yourself. What does it really mean anyway?

I’ve got nothing against intuition.

No, really. Nor do I dislike intuitives, I mean we all are intuitive, right? Some people just use theirs more than others.

My personal experience, the way my intuition manifests in readings is in the relationship between the cards/runes/symbols/whatever. It’s in the connections.

It’s the label “intuitive” and how it’s used that I dislike.


It’s like pie. You LOVE apple pie. You go to a restaurant that is world famous for apple pie. You are promised apple pie. You order apple pie. You pay for apple pie.

But you are served cherry pie. Is it good? Maybe. Maybe it’s the best cherry pie in the world. But it’s not what was advertised. It’s not what you ordered. It’s not what you paid for.

If you’d known that the restaurant was out of apple pie you might have ordered cherry and been happy, but that’s not how it went down.

And to those who don’t know the difference, it bunches readers who actually read Tarot up with all the other readers of whatever method or technique they use, and it casts an unpleasant shadow on everyone.

Hey, go ahead and read however you want, but be real, be honest. If you decided that being a “psychic” was an easy to make some dolla, picked up a deck, and just sat down with someone and started describing the pretty pictures, YOU ARE NOT READING TAROT.

You will be found out eventually, but in the mean time you make us all look bad.

Knowledge + Intuition = The Beginning of Wisdom

Why is intuition all of a sudden so much more valuable than knowledge? When used together with a sincere intent to serve, the whole is more than the sum of its parts.

Learning traditional Tarot isn’t meant to stifle your intuition, it creates a stable base to build on.

Imagine you want to build a beautiful tower that reaches into the clouds. The bigger and more solid the base is, the higher it can climb and the more stability it will have.

If you rush or short the foundation, the structure is weak and prone to crumble and fall.

Let intuition be the shining cap-stone crowning a solid base of learning and deep knowledge.

Don’t short change yourself and your practice by short-cutting your learning.

But it takes so long…

If your main objection is that it takes too long, then you have to ask yourself if you’re doing it for the right reasons.

Learning Tarot is a journey, in the beginning you’re looking at the scenery, then you become more focused on the map, all the twists and turns in the road, and alternate routes, looking at each step individually, then at the end you can see the whole journey for what it was, stops in a beautiful landscape.

If you take short cuts, you miss not only all the learning opportunities, you miss all the beauty.

But there’s so much…

You can memorize the keyword meanings for the cards and do readings, but until you connect with the energy and understand the relationships between the cards, you will not have the depth of meaning that will make your readings exceptional.

So hey, if it strikes you, I mean only if you want to, join my mailing list.

Or hit up my webbie, maybe get a reading: The Essence of Spirit

My Spiritual Practices

WOW! Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to my blog, what I thought was going to be a short across-town move ended up being 600 miles! Ain’t life grand?

Anyway, recently someone asked me about my spiritual practices. Shoot, I guess I never thought of it in that way, so after some deliberation I decided to write a quick blog post.

So, what are my Spiritual Practices?


Above all, I seek to honor the Earth, all of Nature, all of Creation.

I meditate, but that’s not necessarily a spiritual practice. In particular I do guided meditations, because my brain refuses to quiet sometimes and it’s easier for me to follow along, at least at first. More often than not, I go off on my own to take my own journey, or doze off, or occasionally go out of body.

Lightwork is another facet of meditation to me, at a certain time I make a point to send healing to the world in general or specific situations if I feel called.

Reiki is a method for reaching personal enlightenment, and an energetic healing technique. It’s not associated with any religion, anybody can learn and be attuned.

I practice Shamanic journeying. The drumming puts you into an altered state, so it’s a good idea to have a competent and practiced guide around in case you drift off and start to snore. Also, strange journeys are always possible and it’s good to have a journeying veteran around to talk about it with. The advantage that journeying has for me is that I stay present much more than when I meditate.

Druidry is another way of connecting with Nature, inner knowledge, and higher wisdom. It’s about connecting with both the Ancestors and honoring the Spirit that lives in all things.

The ceremony I do is Native American inspired, but to many it looks like spells in Witchcraft.

Sooooo… are you a witch?


I don’t identify myself as a witch. I do all kinds of stuff, to some that would make me an eclectic solitary witch, but to me, I’m just me. I do my thing, and when I can, I help you do yours.

Let me take a moment to mention the difference between being a witch and being Wiccan. Wicca is a religion, albeit informal. Witchcraft is about practice, not worship. It’s a fine and fuzzy line. One can be either, or both. I don’t necessarily feel like I’m either, though I have a little guided experience with both.

I do identify with what most view as Pagan Gods and Goddesses. To me they are all facets of Great Spirit, the Infinite Light, The God and Goddess.

How does divination fit in to all this?


Before I read or dowse or engage in healing of any kind, I ask for presence and guidance, whether it’s for me or someone else. I allow only beings in alignment with the Infinite Light. If it is necessary to communicate or work with lower vibrational entities it is only done through the Infinite Light.

By the way, I’m also a complete science nerd. Metaphysics is the flip side of quantum physics.

Don’t try to figure me out, it’ll just give you a headache.

Think you want to work with me? cristine@theessenceofspirit.com

Or join me on my email list: www.theessenceofspirit.com/list

And just what do I do?

“Spiritual Life Path Counseling”, what the heck is that?

It is my unique method of combining my particular gifts, healing, and divination to help illuminate and navigate my client’s path.


rr tie

I am psychic medium, a Reiki Master Teacher, and an ordained minister in the Order of Melchizedek. I read cards and runes using both psychic means and mediumship. I divine using pendulums and dowsing rods to search for items and answers.

I do consider myself a medium, as I communicate across the veil with my Spirit Guides, my passed loved ones, and your Spirit Guides, and they often bring through your passed loved ones, but if you’re looking to connect to your late uncle Amos, I’m probably not the reader for you. My specialty is *your* path, connecting you to your highest good.

That said, it’s not unusual for passed loved ones to pop in for a quick “Howdy”.

So how does it work?

Divination (tarot, oracles, runes, dowsing) is helpful in discovering the roots of issues that are arising right now, and can warn against ones that may arise in the future. Mediumship is useful if it’s necessary to communicate with those across the veil to access information that’s not available in this plane. Reiki, Crystal Healing, and Chakra Balancing are good for discovering and dealing with issues on a personal energetic level.

When I work, I do everything, psychic, medium, Reiki, divining. Some people compartmentalize and may do one thing at a time. That’s not wrong, it’s just not how I work. I can’t, my brain doesn’t work that way. I believe it’s all the same energy, we’re all the same energy, not just people or animals or living things, but EVERYTHING.

Ok, so what don’t you do?

What I DON’T do:
Kiss butt

No disrespect to Astrologers, Channels, or Angels, just not my thing.

If you’re not ready to hear it strait, I’m not your girl. If you’re not ready to dig deep and address your issues, I’m not your girl. If you’re more interested in what you want to hear than what you need to hear, guess what? You got it, ‘not your girl’.

But if you’re ready to start this journey and think we’ll vibe, email me, Facebook me, whatever makes you tingle.


So, why should you hire me?

I don’t know, why should you?

Because reasons.

  • Not because I was the first reader you came across. (maybe I was, still not a good reason)
  • Not because I have “ABC” certifications and have taken “XYZ” classes. (it’s just paper unless you use it)
  • Not because I’ve been talking to the dead since I was 2. (OK, maybe not 2… but I did grow up in a haunted house, and have been seeing spirits and hearing animals for as long as I can remember )
  • Not because I allege some sort of “hereditary” virtue or special connection to the great beyond. (all I know is it comes from my father’s side)
  • Not because I claim to be “internationally known” or “world renowned” or some other grandiose crap. (a Facebook friend from Canada doesn’t count, dangit)

Because experience.

I’ve been restairsading cards for the general public (not just friends [2000]) since 2009, and have been honored to be included in Shea’s Theater’s Martini Gras for 3 years, and Lily Dale’s Funfest for 4 years. I’ve done hundreds of private readings, dozens of fairs, festivals and expos, and a buttload of parties. Recently I’ve been convinced to start doing gallery mediumship, just to expand my mind and experience, even though it’s not my specialty.

I have been using hands on healing (Angels of the Earth) for about 17 years and attained my Usui Reiki Master Degree in January of 2009. I offer Reiki to both animals and people, and I teach Reiki.

I was Ordained in the Order of Melchizedek by the Sanctuary of the Beloved Church in June of 2013.

I also offer card reading and pendulum dowsing classes.

… And I design kitchens freelance.

Because I’ve been there.

I’ve struggled with the 9-5, working for “Big Corporate” for years, then having my highly skilled position outsourced to a call center (no joke); with having a position I loved more than almost anything in the world, that I didn’t get paid for, and having the people I loved there turn their backs on me for trying to protect their interests; and that one new boss who was terrified that I was going to curse him or some other such bull (I don’t do that, and I don’t believe in it) and buried me in lies and slander to get me fired.

And done that.

I’ve had my share of shitty boyfriends, from the one who was secretly married (but separated) for the 6 years we were together; to the one who was a closet alcoholic and couldn’t leave the house without having a cocktail first; to the one who finally admitted that he was polyamorous after 5 years. (I have no problem with alternative lifestyles, people should be free to love who they love. However, people also need to be completely upfront about who they are and what they expect out of a relationship. Full Disclosure before you get into a relationship, of WHATEVER kind.)

Bought the T-Shirt.

Seven years ago, within a matter of 4 months I had to leave our homestead and subsequently moved four times, often not knowing where I was going to sleep. I seriously considered the unbelievably gut wrenching decision to rehome my furkids. We never felt safe; I was in constant fear of having them put out. Since I was in fear of the landlord or his son coming into the apartment, which they did everyday when I was at work, I never slept there. At the last minute before becoming officially homeless, things fell together thanks to a few very close friends, my cats stayed with me.

And wore it out.

Now I work for myself, reading, healing, teaching, making jewelry. I have an amazing man in my life, we’re going on 5 years this August, and we’re looking into buying a home – with the fur kids.

Hire me because we vibe.

If you’ve gotten this far, we pjune 22 13robably will.

Have a question? I’m an open book. Aside from actually writing a fairly boring autobiography, that’s the best way for you to get to know me.

Shoot me an email anytime. Facebook me. Whatever floats your boat. I’m here for you.

Shoot for the Moon!


Just who am I anyway?

Yep, so I realized that my WHOLE internet and marketing image did not fit me anymore, honestly, maybe it never did.

8.5x11 sign

I had it exactly the way I wanted it, beautiful and calm and serene. I love the beautiful and sophisticated pages out there with all the Light shining through, and that’s what I was trying to get across, but it’s not me.

Whenever I thought about posting an article or opinion about anything, I began to realize that my ideas just didn’t fit the image that I’d cultivated. As beautiful as that was, it just didn’t reflect who I am.

Sure, I Meditate and Journey. I Reiki and Earth. But I also cuss and get pissed, I’m loud and opinionated, and sometimes obnoxious. (OK, more than sometimes.) That’s human. It’s not about all this “rise above” bullshit, it’s not about banishing thoughts and feelings that people tell you are of a “low vibration”, it’s not about some sort of airy-fairy “I fart rainbows and crap sunshine” schtick. It’s not about walking around with your high-and-mighty nose in the air like your sh*t don’t stink and making others feel like less.

Don’t let yourself be pressured into trying to fit some spiritual mold that just doesn’t fit. Be YOU! YOU are the only one that knows your path, you are the only one walking it, you are the only one who CAN walk it. Read, learn, integrate the best of what you find along the way, but DON’T lose yourself trying to fit ANYONE ELSE’S idea of who you should be!

Don’t get me wrong, there are/were a few genuinely Enlightened beings that have graced this Earth (who they are and what constitutes Enlightenment are not up for debate in this forum), but that’s not what this life is for! It’s for dancing in the rain and making mud pies and sweating and swearing and crying and loving and hurting and starting all over, hopefully wiser.

It’s about BALANCE, it’s about being REAL.

Don’t deny your Shadow, it’s just as much you as anything; who’s to tell you where your shadow ends and your light begins? I you’re not hurting anyone, including yourself, BE IT, DO IT, whatever “IT” is!

Embrace all of you!

forest walk

That being said, I shall endeavor to shake off the idea of “image” and “marketing” and just be the only thing I can: the real, authentic, messy, ME; and in doing so I hope to help as many people as I can.

From here on, I’ll be on a conscious journey of rediscovery, of revolution, of recreation.

Just so there’s no mistake, I’m a pierced, tattooed, tree hugging, bug loving, animal saving, crazy cat lady, geek, liberal, neo-hippie, flower child, LGBT allied, Earth worshiping, Spiritualist, Pagan, Alpha female Goddess! I like to sleep in and stay up late. I like to sleep in the sun and dance under the moon. I can be your best friend or your worst enemy, so if you don’t like it, **** off!